Thursday, 7 March 2013

Peer Counselling Advice Column Coming Soon!

What's a newsletter without an advice column?

Every newspaper has one, it's like a pre-requisite to having a successful newsletter... so I guess the Hillelian's a bit behind huh? 

Not for long! Starting this week we'll be having weekly/bi-weekly posts filled with advice, motivation, positive thinking and just all round.... I'm not sure what else, but it promises to be something you look forward to reading! The posts will be written by your peer counsellors, your fellow students who know what the real issues among the student body are - whether it's work ethic, confidence, public speaking, different insecurities... These posts will be geared anonymously towards the student body and will hopefully help you through those rough patches.

So look out for the first post coming very,very soon! 
