Thursday, 21 February 2013

Sickle Cell Walkathon!

As you know, grade 10 and 13-1 held the first walkathon ever for a CAS project, on February 9th.

We didn’t pick this project randomly. From grade 7, we've watched and supported our fellow classmate,  Nialli Meeks who is now in grade 10, battle this sickness. So collectively the Grade 10 and 13 students thought we would dedicate this year’s CAS project to her as she courageously battles this life long illness and to everyone else in this country who struggles daily with the symptoms.

For about 3 weeks students from all grades worked hard going to family, friends and neighbors to get sponsorship and participants for the day. While some of us could barely do 5 laps, the rare few were clocking 30+ laps!

And in the end, we raised a grand total of almost $400,000, which is 62% more than our goal! All the money was presented to Dr. King from the Mona Sickle Cell Center during this week’s assembly, to purchase equipment that will improve the care for those who suffer with sickle cell disease.

Grade 10's form teacher, Mrs. Cuthbert, and Dr. King

Handing over the check! 

The walkathon had an amazing turnout!
Thanks to everyone who supported!

Isabelle Hamilton 

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